Saturday, October 11, 2008

Filling of the data base for the hosting

Customer: Orlov Victor (victorlov) The category: Kontent- management
The budget: ? For the fulfillment of assignments must soblyudat'sya
five points "necessarily": 1. necessary to examine hosting, to
understand how is differed VDS from Dedicated or for example that VPS
this the same as VDS; 2. it is necessary to fill the base of records
given in the size of ***; 3. it is necessary to fill with the fact
that themselves you will find, in essence in the similar catalogs and
in the search systems; 4. it is necessary to understand, that the
fulfillment of work is checked completely for each record by me; 5. is
necessary knowledge to pokrayne to the grain of technical English.
Filling of the data base is produced through the intelligible Web-
form. Period until 30 December. Payment is step by step. In the
contacts for the connection desirably indicate mail- agent, at the
worst of icq.http: / / / projects / 75769.html

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