Saturday, September 27, 2008

To alter the script of the file hosting

Customer: Dmitriy anatol'evich Anshutts (DimonB) the category:
Scripts/Web- application, Web- programming The budget: ? There is a
script of file hosting, it is necessary it to alter. Pdrobneye in TZ.
Those who will not be able to carry out at least one of the functions
of opisanykh in TZ not to disturb, those who only was registered and
does not have otzyvovo not tereyayte in vain time, to you it will be
refused.http: / / / projects / 73453.html

Sitemap to make

Customer: Vikonich Andrey (rider59) the category: Web- programming The
budget: ? It is necessary to make Sitemap pages on the site near ***-
of ***http: / / / projects / 73454.html

Proxy cheker

Customer: Yevgeny Viktorovich (rk_.xron) the category: Web-
programming The budget: 30 usd is necessary simple proxy of cheker.
Which checks proxy and distributes them to forms http, https, socks5.
Must work itself and not to chekat' proxy on outside chekere (site).http: / / / projects / 73440.html

Is required redizayn of the site

Customer: Anisimov Denis Sergeyevich (rizard) The category: Design of
sites, HTML- imposition the budget: 60 usd be required to alter the
design of site. Site stands on cursor- store arwshop trade there is
only an folder with the made up into pages design for the store, from
you: - to alter the cap of site (to draw new in accordance with our
requirements) - to alter slightly the menu of site - to draw a
conclusion of photo in the categories in accordance with our
requirements - to finish even some trifles the period: the budget is
not more than 2 days: to '0$ ICQ for the connection of ***http: / / / projects / 73443.html

Design and the imposition of template Danneo

Customer: Matveyev Sanek (libor) The category: Design of sites, HTML-
imposition the budget: ? Design and the imposition of template
Danneo(kliningovye of service to auto-technicals center). I create
theme so that it would be possible to leave then the opinion. There is
a sad experience... it considered frilanser Zodchiy, which opinion not
will be, if there is no project, and therefore it is possible work not
to dodelyvat' and simply people "to throw". 2Zodchiy-40$ native- these
are is two hours of my work, it is it's a pity the time, spent on
correspondence with you. To frilanseram serious: Site to 5-6 pages,
theme -kliningovye uslugi(spetsifiku I will explain), on the periods
not hurry- month.http: / / / projects / 73429.html

the scenario of pazla-platformera for Flash game

Customer: Dembidsky yaroslav vladimirovich (Stalcer) the category:
Flash, the development of games the budget: ? To develop the scenario
of pazla-platformera from 50- TI of levels. No development, only
scenario. From our side - designer of levels and idea, as must be.
With your - gripping of geympley.http: / / / projects / 73432.html

To place 10 ob'yavleniy on 10 forums

Customer: Bardukov Dmitriy (snake89) the category: Advance Of site/SEO
The budget: 2 usd to place 10 ob'yavleniy on 10 boards of detail ICQ
of ***http: / / / projects / 73419.html

Is required to send to adminam of sites the declaration

Customer: Aksakov Yuri (yurec21) the category: The advance Of
site/SEO, Is other The budget: ? Is required to send to adminam of
sites declaration about the exchange of knopochkami. Thematics
catalogs and business. Details in lichke. Write your periods and
prices, and a quantity on which you will send declaration. To spam it
is categorically forbidden.http: / / / projects / 73418.html

To add site in DMOZ

Customer: Khaletskiy novel (Host- Mir) the category: Advance Of
site/SEO The budget: ? It is necessary to add automobile business-
portal, your periods and price? ICQ ***http: / / / projects / 73427.html

To create the site

Customer: Alexander Is Purine (Red- polygons) The category: Creation
web- site turnkey the budget: ? It is necessary to create site, pages
on the site it will be a little. Your ideas send on icq: ICQ: 4 one
9th two 3-705 P/S we search for executor in one personhttp: / / / projects / 73415.html

To drive away site on the catalogs

Customer: Zavol'skiy Valerie (soft35) the category: Advance Of
site/SEO The budget: 20 usd it is necessary to drive away site on THE
WHITE catalogs and the boards of declarations. All proposals to write
here: your base, cost, periods. From you: 1. report; 2. activation e
-ma1l; 3. file with the reverse references.http: / / / projects / 73417.html

Friday, September 26, 2008

Script for postinga of the commentaries

Customer: Ruslan nazarenko (Manin) The category: Web- programming The
budget: ? It is necessary to develop script for postinga of
commentaries to the sites under control CMS DLE. Details with the
personal correspondence.http: / / / projects / 73412.html

Kursovik on java, program is the field engineer

Customer: Kartashov Victor (victorcd) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts, Web- programming The budget: ? Kursovik on java
to realize game field engineer. 1. Several those previously determined
pour on different dimensionality. 2. With the start of game - dialogue
of the selection of field. 3. action of user - only on the left flick
of the mouse: A) if mine - the discovery entire field and dialogue
"end of the game" of b) if there is no mine - the discovery cell under
the cursor and mapping the number of mines in the adjacent cells in
this cell. 4. Dialogue is the end of the game: A)"new game" = >; to
point 2. b)"output" = >; output from the program I await wish on the
price and period, desirably that the discussion dealt with several
dayshttp: / / / projects / 73413.html

Development of module for Drupal '..Kh

Customer: Khokhlova Ekaterina (katikdnepr) The category: Scripts/Web-
application, administration systems kontentom the budget: ? For the
site, dedicated to sale of Japanese automobiles (of type j- charms
point ru) it is necessary to develop module for Drupal '..Kh, which
will be must: - on ftp to draw off XLS- file with the base of
proposals and photograph of automobiles. - to investigate XLS- file,
to check against the renovation (to add only new) and to create Node
with the proposal. - to search for the appropriate photographs of
object and to create Foto-galereh - according to the formula to
calculate the price of proposal - to publish new proposals there are
TZ. It will be sent after personal contact. Possible the long-term
cooperation subsequently.http: / / / projects / 73400.html

Creation of site - php/mysql javascript

Customer: Is angular Maxim (Zorgies) The category: Web- programming
The budget: ? Creation of the site of that occupying by the
presentation of the data about the volunteers formation, participation
in the actions, the groups, the languages of contact, region of
interest. Among the possibilities search according to the data of
users, the presentation of profayla, convenient editing. 1. Static
pages 2. Registration of user, the sending of letter. 3. Addition/the
editing of profayla by user 4. Addition/the editing of profayla by
administrator 5. Search 6. Creation/the editing of administrators 7.
Record/survey ravine is file 8. URL-friendly 9. RSS I guarantee
honesty and vzaimovygodnost'. I await proposal.http: / / / projects / 73399.html

Transfer of parameters swf - > swf by means of JS

Customer: Gara Aleksey (RADog) the category: Scripts/Web- application,
HTML- imposition The budget: 20 usd it is necessary to place on html-
page flash- element (flash- generator itself there is), which
generates the set of the parameters and transmitting by their
JavaScript'u call- method ExternalInterfac'a. Also on this page there
is another swf- kA. It is necessary to write, strictly, function
itself JS, which will assume the parameters from the first swf- Ci and
anew load upon this html- page the second swf- ku, transferring by it
these flashvars- parameters. The set of the parameters must be
recorded in the located on the page text field. There are even smaller
details of task, I will report them with the correspondence.http: / / / projects / 73406.html

Creation of plugena for RGP (PHP RapidGet Pro)

Customer: Gavrilov Aleksandr (Inviseble_.Demon) The category: Web-
programming The budget: ? It is necessary that in this script it would
be possible to draw off not only rapid speeds on premiui to akkam but
also it lititbit. Site on which it is necessary to write plugin from you price and periods.http: / / / projects / 73403.html

Transfer of the site of social network to Drupal

Customer: Georgo (georgo) the category: Creation web- site turnkey,
Web- programming the budget: ? We should transfer the existing social
network to cursor Drupal or to another
multifunctional and reliable cursor. First of all order - for the
professionals Of drupala. On the functional of site - entire standard
collection of sots. of network. For an example we will take our
existing site, chtoto let us improve, chtoto let us change, will
alter. - now already there are completely successful assemblings by
sots.setey on Drupal. We need to carry out good assembling and
smallest possible of programming on the add. to functions. It is
desirable to have a work experience from sots. by networks and by
portals. It is compulsory examples, portfolio of the workshttp: / / / projects / 73407.html

To move thematics the films

Customer: Mirashev Of misha (murahew) The category: Advance Of
site/SEO The budget: ? Is necessary the top 10 V and on these demands: films on-line porno on-line films
indicate price for each demand separately, also, in the sum.http: / / / projects / 73410.html

Sitemap to make (6 sites)

Customer: Mirashev Of misha (murahew) The category: Web- programming
The budget: ? Sitemap to make (6 sites) As'ka: *** write price -
period and you stuchites'.http: / / / projects / 73409.html

Spinup and advance (2) is required

Customer: Obogrelov Andrey (Obogrelov) the category: Advance Of
site/SEO The budget: to 100 USD the site of Internet- radio... is
required the spinup and advance. Registration in the subject catalogs
and the forums (radio, Internet- radio... desirably and in the
English-language). Payment for real results!http: / / / projects / 70545.html

To make the 3kwn- script

Customer: Ryzhenko Nikolai (libertyinua) the category: Flash The
budget: ? It is necessary "to make" fleshku with the elements of the
control of site. Work for those, who examine programming on
ActionScripthttp: / / / projects / 73387.html

Creation of the simple site

Customer: Berezin Aleksandr (urd) The category: Creation web- site
turnkey the budget: to 250 usd how do you do, it is necessary to make
a simple site for the company of construction thematics. All questions
into as'ku of ***http: / / / projects / 73349.html

Much cheap purposeful traffic is necessary

Customer: Majors Gleb (mgea) the category: Advance Of site/SEO,
Internet- stores The budget: ? It is necessary from 300 and higher
than purposeful unique predzainteresovannykh visitors during the day
for the duration of continuance, site http: // (visitor
from Russia) payment - contractual, after the test of source, from 1
cents for the approach - to the 4th 4ndeks- direct hit not to propose,
analogously will not be received BY SAR any clique- clubs. I will
examine any other sources.http: / / / projects / 73364.html

To correct errors in CSS in theme Wordpress (2)

Customer: Safin Artur (Neoncobra) The category: HTML- imposition The
budget: 20 usd http: // it is necessary to correct the
following errors CSS: - to change the distance between the lines - in
the different browsers in different ways - to add the framework to the
inculcated in the post images. - to correct error - the absence of the
basement of page in Opera - to correct the combination of images in
the different browsers of..rchorner.gif and..rigyutchorner.gif - to
change formatting tables in text http: // / / / projects / 66776.html

Site according to the type of store on base osCommerce

Customer: Ruslan Novikov (arnoldus) the category: Web- programming The
budget: ? Site according to the type of store on base osCommerce
without the point of sales. TZ is allowed on the requirementhttp: / / / projects / 73328.html

Creation of the base of opinions for the hotels

Customer: Majors Yuri yur'evich (Infotran) the category: Kontent-
management, Is other The budget: ? It is necessary to gather the base
of opinions for hotels in the goa (on the order of 50 hotels). Size -
Eksel'. Request to indicate: - price for 1 opinion - periodshttp: / / / projects / 73339.html

Design and the imposition of the adalt- portals

Customer: Alex (adultcash) the category: Design of sites, HTML-
imposition the budget: to 100 usd they are necessary contemporary
design for Adult- portals. Any special navorotov I focus attention on
work experience. Periods are important.http: / / / projects / 73345.html

Work for the programmer

Customer: Lapitskiy Yegor (studio2b) the category: Web- programming
The budget: to 250 usd is required the programmer, it is compulsory
from Saint Petersburg. There is a design of site, it is necessary to
place on the cursor three pages. 1. Mul'tiyazychnost' of text on page
2. catalog (pictures, description) 3. form of feedback 4. Adminkahttp: / / / projects / 73350.html

Module of the board of declarations for VamShop 1.38

Customer: Logvin Dimitry Vladimiroviches (Matvey_.Net) The category:
Web- programming, Internet- stores The budget: ? I greet! Is necessary
the board of declarations without the registration for Vamshop 1.38 it
is possible to alter from the already known scripts of the simple
boards of declarations or modules, only by not such, which easily are
broken open and td and TP of detail TZ in the fastened file. On the
necessity I can grant original (without the alterations) version 1.38
work experience with oscommerce and Vam Shop is required! We leave
proposals here.http: / / / projects / 73362.html

Addition of search to the site

Customer: Andruschenko Stepan (stepan_.v_.a) the category: HTML-
imposition, administration systems kontentom the budget: 25 USD the
functional of search is build it adminku. But at present it does not
exist in the imposition. It is necessary to produce tuning adminki
(simply) and to finish the imposition (somewhat more complex). Details
in TZ. Adminka ShopccMS The imposition: Smartu With the successful
fulfillment, I will glad continue the collaborationhttp: / / / projects / 73353.html

The large and cheap purposeful traffic is necessary

Customer: Mikhail korsanov (mikeai) The category: Advance Of site/SEO,
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: 2000 usd it is necessary from 500 and
higher than purposeful unique predzainteresovannykh visitors during
the day during the year to http:
// _.... payment - for 1
cent for the approach, if there is strongly more than 500 visitors -
are possible 1,5 cents. 4ndeks- direct hit not to propose, itself by
it I am occupied. I will examine any other sources.http: / / / projects / 73354.html

It is necessary to introduce changes in the design of the site

Customer: Roshchin Vadim (simag) the category: HTML- imposition, the
design of sites the budget: ? How do you do! In connection with the
systematic "employment" of contractor and constant breakfasts in the
flow half a year, searches for the executor, who could introduce the
required changes in the existing design of Internet- store on script
Shop-cMS. Questions there are many small, but in the future, possibly,
and small. Who is ready soak - write in lichku. Site - / / / projects / 73359.html

To dress site on Joomla

Customer: Ryzhenko Nikolai (libertyinua) the category: Control systems
kontentom, Web- programming the budget: ? Site with the catalog of
production. Already there is: the design of site (in the layers) the
structure partially of kontent must be created: 1) CMS on Joomla 2)
imposition 3) tuning on the server of the condition: 3) the periods of
7-10 days to the workhttp: / / / projects / 73361.html

Much cheap traffic is necessary

Customer: Ovchinnikov Yevgeny (consolex) the category: Advance Of
site/SEO The budget: to 500 usd interests much much much traffic
purchase! ICQ ***http: / / / projects / 73373.html

Creation of site under the key

Customer: Edward (edvin) the category: Creation web- site turnkey the
budget: ? It is necessary: - the creation of site under the key (for
example - further support (at consultation level)
convincing request to send real proposals, in this stage would be
desirable to see vypolnenye works, periods on the fulfillment of this
order and its orentirovochnuyu cost. Developer must be necessary
condition from Saint Petersburghttp: / / / projects / 73371.html

To create the site

Customer: Petrov Vladimir (spy83) The category: Creation web- site
turnkey the budget: 200 usd it is necessary to create plain site. TZ
in the application. Interest 100% correspondence of site to
tekh.zadaniyu and convenience in adminki, which you can propose.http: / / / projects / 73375.html

For Raznomir

Customer: Balina Irina (ru_.vita) The category: Creation web- site
turnkey the budget: 235 usd is required the creation of site turnkeyhttp: / / / projects / 73376.html

To make up into pages mock-up into template DLE

Customer: Volosevich Aleksandr (stryker) The category: HTML-
imposition The budget: ? Regards by all. Necessary to make up into
pages mock-up into the template for DLE all your proposals leave with
the price and the periods. Or it is timetable without the price - I
slant.http: / / / projects / 73378.html

Store of clothing on base OsCommers

Customer: Ruslan Novikov (arnoldus) the category: Web- programming The
budget: 250 USD bringings of templates to the minimalisticheskomu form
of 25 Flesh the slider of pictures, from the specific directory on
site 10 modules - gift certificate 15 - search on site 15 - to
recommend to friend 10 - the subscription of anonymous authors,
distribution on the groups and the module of information about
deliveries 15 - the card of goods on the site (mapping add. pour on)
20 administration - the card of goods of the add. of field 30 - the
photographs of aploud several 25 - import CSV of file into base 10
lists of goods - trade marks 10 - the filters of spisokv 25 - division
NEW 20 - Razlel SALE 20 altogether 2shch0$http: / / / projects / 73383.html

Spinup of the site

Customer: Falcon Aleksandr (Frad) The category: Advance Of site/SEO
The budget: to 1000 usd how do you do. The spinup of the site of
furniture thematics is necessary. The keywords: furniture for the
office office furniture to purchase furniture sale to furniture
furniture are wholesale necessary periods and prices and to garatnii.
To more preferably work as owners with the payment for beznalu.http: / / / projects / 73384.html

Catalog, the form of feedback, adminka

Customer: Lapitskiy Yegor (studio2b) the category: Web- programming
The budget: to 250 usd there is a site, dodelyvayem imposition. It is
necessary to vapor of strants to place on the cursor: Catalog, the
form of feedback, adminka programmer must be from Pieter the budget of
3000 rubleshttp: / / / projects / 73393.html

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Spinup of site (2)

Customer: Dr Pavlos (Pavlos) the category: Advance Of site/SEO The
budget: to 1000 usd are necessary the spinup of site on muzykoterapii
in 3x yazykakh(russkiy, English, grecheskiy).Registratsiya in
different catalogs and forums, desirably necessary thematics. It is
necessary to be into swamp gugla according to, that in the fastened
file. Payment for fact or on the safe transaction. Write periods and
tsenu.Esli price it does not approach, write in lichku with the line
of reasoning and the numbers. P.S. I again accentuate attention THE
TOP Of gugla - i.e. on the key demands to be in its troika,
registration in the catalogs and rest are examined the in- second
turn.http: / / / projects / 70514.html

Joomla the imposition

Customer: Arianit Gierg (gothic_.portal) the category: HTML-
imposition, Web- programming the budget: 40 usd to make up into pages
on TZ and PSD.http: / / / projects / 73221.html

Remote work for those knowing Drupal

Customer: Kuz'menko Dmitriy (kuzmit4) the category: Creation web- site
turnkey, design of sites the budget: ? Is necessary man, which well
examines cursor Drupal. The competent writing of templates under
Drupal (desirably imposition in DIV), is necessary. There is a design
of site, it is necessary to stretch in design. Without portfolio not
to disturb! All your projects with Drupal, By prisylayem *** do not
forget in the letter to indicate your contactshttp: / / / projects / 73211.html

to make up into pages and to program window with 3 regions

Customer: Maxim Of ron'shin (com4com) the category: Web- programming,
HTML- imposition the budget: ? Programmer to a number of works
searches for. First work - to make up into pages or to make up into
pages and to program (for example, javascript) window with three
regions. Wage by arrangement. To technology, periods and bag -
propose. Proposals can dispatch immediately to *** of proposal they
must clearly describe cost and period. Those task is applied by the
separate file (it is applied)http: / / / projects / 73226.html

To raise tITs to 20-60

Customer: Cherbakov Sergey (proffit) the category: Advance Of site/SEO
The budget: to 500 usd to raise tITs of *** for y5$ of the 1st sites,
all thus far 20 sites, in the month will 20 more if 1 site you
normally untwist with the retention of tITs for the month, will be
obtain constant orders from me on the price of ***$ for the girder...http: / / / projects / 73210.html

Vebsayt of the small restaurant

Customer: Vsp (vspok) the category: Creation web- site turnkey the
budget: ? Simple site- morning coat in the elegant contemporary stylehttp: / / / projects / 73218.html

Kapcha for Shop-Script Premium

Customer: Vladimir (vovan30) the category: Internet- stores The
budget: ? It is necessary to establish reliable kapchu to the guest
book of store on cursor Shop-Script Premium.http: / / / projects / 73212.html

Programming GUI shell on WxWindows(.Wx)/GTK (2)

Customer: Roman (FlashTask) the category: Development of applied ON
the budget: 100 usd it is necessary to make the krossplatformennuyu
GUI shell on WxWindows(.Wx)/GTK. or to another krossplatformennoy
system to creation GUI. General description: application must work in
the polnoekrannom regime and derive background image. Above the
background image it is necessary to arrange 5-7 punkov of menu with
5-7 subparagraphs.http: / / / projects / 70074.html

Girder of sites on RSS to the catalogs

Customer: Sergey Nikolai (disdain) the category: Advance Of site/SEO
The budget: 5 usd it is necessary to drive away four sites on RSS to
catalogs. Base - http: // Reveal URL RSS
fidov and the names sites.http: / / / projects / 73222.html

the sites of different thematics

Customer: Muzychenko Fedor (Gorizont- Kiev) The category: Creation
web- site turnkey the budget: ? I buy the finished siteshttp: / / / projects / 73228.html

It is necessary to renew scripto with v 2.3 to version 2.4

Customer: Aksakov Yuri (yurec21) the category: Web- programming, Is
other The budget: 10 usd is required to renew scripto from version 2.3
to version 2.4 site instruction bnovleniye Scripto 2.4
from 24.09.2008 1) you will preserve all data (MySQL base and ALL
files) 2) you will replace file configs/ext.cfg.php 3) open the file
of..yutachchess, also, instead of: RewriteRule ^.stat/([ 0-.9a- for
-Z]+)\..html$/index.php?.id=.stat&.id_.child=$1%{QUERY_STRING} [ L ]
write: RewriteRule ^.stat/([ 0-.9a- for
-Z]+)\..html$/index.php?.id=.stat&.id_.child=$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [ L ]
where stat - prefix of the catalog of articles 4) you will replace in
the file of..yutachchess: RewriteRule ^.chat/([ 0-.9a-for- Z
_/-]+)\..yutml$/index.php?$1%{QUERY_STRING} [ L ] write:
RewriteRule ^.chat/([ 0-.9a-for- Z
_/-]+)\..yutml$/index.php?$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [ L ] where
cat - prefix of the catalog of references 5) you will preserve the
file of..yutachchess 6) copy from the archive folder images/default,
images/english_.default, images/emoticons, images/bb, images/admin 7)
you will replace the folders: - modules - js - langs -
temaplates/themes/(if there were changes, then transfer them into the
new templates, or do not substitute) - templates/admin -
templates/modules - libs 8) copy the files: - index.php - update.php -
configs/smilies.cfg.php write periods, price and which is required
from me.http: / / / projects / 73225.html

Is required template under DLE

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Kapcha for Shop-Script Premium

Customer: Vladimir (vovan30) the category: Internet- stores The
budget: ? It is necessary to establish reliable kapchu to the guest
book of store on cursor Shop-Script Premium.http: / / / projects / 73212.html

The advance of the site is required

Customer: Is given Helen (adeld) The category: Advance Of site/SEO The
budget: ? http: // keywords: Hotel is Donets,
hotel Liverpool is Donets, hotel g. it is Donets, hotels Donets,
restaurants Donets, leisure into Donetske, hotels of the Ukraine,
hotels of the Ukraine your guarantees, periods and prices?http: / / / projects / 73205.html

To raise tITs to 20-60

Customer: Cherbakov Sergey (proffit) the category: Advance Of site/SEO
The budget: to 500 usd to raise tITs of *** for y5$ of the 1st sites,
all thus far 20 sites, in the month will 20 more if 1 site you
normally untwist with the retention of tITs for the month, will be
obtain constant orders from me on the price of ***$ for the girder...http: / / / projects / 73210.html

To make friends 2 systems and another koye that

Customer: Budyakov Sergey (sex-mashine) the category: Web-
programming, Internet- stores The budget: ? Thus, is the Internet
store working to shop-script free, it twists itself on poddomene of
the basic site, on which is established system livestreet (http:
// What necessary to make the Internet a store you look
in the application. Write proposals only here compulsorily with the
price of a question.http: / / / projects / 73202.html


Customer: Joker Joker (Joker_.s) the category: Logotypes, Flash The
budget: 200 USD are necessary Flesches http:
// here ravine is
necessary the same size tolk'o to repair there where the eagle to the
end of the word on Flesch background to leave the same! Urgently 1
day!!!http: / / / projects / 73204.html

The imposition of forms is required.

Customer: Ivan (oxd) the category: HTML- imposition The budget: ? It
is necessary to make up into pages forms (thus far 4 pieces),
stylizing them under the site (background, the edge of inputov, the
arrangement of elements). For the separate elements (calendar, slider)
is desirable knowledge jQuery.http: / / / projects / 73208.html

Addition watermark to the clips

Customer: Chaplygin Maxim (siddartha) The category: Flash The budget:
? How do you do, respected frilansery. Is necessary the script, which
will make the following: to examine folder and into everything *..sshf
from it to add votermarki. the clips of different permission the
processed clips to add into another folder also in the size * of..sshf
and in the native permission. The contact through as'ku of *** or on
the mail of *** I await time, price and the questionshttp: / / / projects / 73201.html

Finished Html > > > Joomla

Customer: Silichenko Anton (Able2Know) The category: Control systems
kontentom the budget: ? Here mock-ups http: // +
dopisaniye of modules from you periods and budget imposition will be
given cms joostina more preferable, but mozhnoi to dzhumlu 1.1 or
above current not 1.5 or higher 1. component com_.performs for the
composition of forms on the pair of pages for the sending of
communications 2. module of gallery it is necessary to write datso of
galeri or to more preferably place similar http:
// all necessary
components and modules I will granthttp: / / / projects / 73200.html

Imposition in HTML

Customer: Babuyev Of zhargal (Jargal) The category: HTML- imposition,
the design of sites the budget: to 50 usd on the basis of the created
design to make up into pages in HTML. requirements: 1. not to destroy
original design. 2. Krosbrauzernost'. 3. support of permissions from
800 X 600 and more. Observation: On some pages in the upper the right
to angle to eat inscription "it is made in Thailand", it is necessary
that inscription would be on all pages. To look as everything must to
appear it is possible here http: // http:
// http: //
http: // / / / projects / 73199.html

Manual registration of site in the catalogs

Customer: Shustrov Dmitriy (den2607) the category: Advance Of site/SEO
The budget: ? Is necessary the qualitative manual registration of site
in the catalogs, guest and so forth the thematics of the site of show
ballet, the dancing association. in its proposals request to indicate:
- a quantity of catalogs - a quantity of catalogs of those requiring
the required arrangement of reverse reference - the expected from the
registration resultshttp: / / / projects / 73194.html

To create HTML page for the culinary site.

Customer: Gamzin Sergey (Kulinar33) the category: Design of sites,
HTML- imposition the budget: ? It is necessary to create the original
content of the central block of the main page of culinary site in size
HTML. desirably with the beautiful and not heavy drawing to all main
divisions of site. Propose periods and price into Asyu: ***http: / / / projects / 73188.html

Creation of the site

Customer: Pavlov Sergey (SergioPavlo) the category: Creation web- site
turnkey, design of sites the budget: ? It is necessary to make a site
on the thematics "close fitting valve" "everest - spb. ru" one of the
versions. Site must have *** of pages, Russian- English-language
(desirably, it is optimized near the Ukraine and Baltic States), and
it is executed harmoniously, simple control, IT IS OPTIMIZED
(approximately *** of the keywords and word combinations)! On the cost
- to otpisyvat'sya on the lancers!http: / / / projects / 73187.html

Wap project!

Customer: Makeyev Dmitriy (skainet) the category: Scripts/Web-
application, Internet- stores The budget: 200 usd To peredalat' by
pol'nost'yu the script of partner program! is compulsory work
experience with wap by projects, and also knowledge (php, J2me,
JavaScript, SQL, wml/xhtml)http: / / / projects / 73193.html

Compiling the map of site and the elimination of the minor errors

Customer: Ol'khovskiy Andrey (ArtSeo) the category: Web- programming,
HTML- imposition the budget: ? How do you do, to me is necessary man
which it will create the map of site it will remove minor errors, in
majority its this nonworking references. To these purposes 4 to
raspologayu by small budget; therefore I please to indicate acceptable
prices. I please write in icq: ***http: / / / projects / 73183.html

It is necessary to make a site as

Customer: Joe Lapp (Joe_.Lapp) the category: Creation web- site
turnkey, Web- programming the budget: ? It is necessary to make a site
as So that it would take the music from base +
it would issue infu about the man from the contact. It will cost?http: / / / projects / 73181.html

To create CMS on Joomla

Customer: Ryzhenko Nikolai (libertyinua) the category: Control systems
kontentom, Web- programming the budget: ? Already there is: the design
of site (in the layers) the structure partially of kontent must be
created: 1) CMS on Joomla 2) imposition 3) tuning on the server of the
condition: 1) the possibility to arrive into the office in Kiev 2) to
send price proposal on each of the points 3) the periods of 7-10 days
to the work subsequently: now there are 3 such projects, if we are
operated - we will work constantly.http: / / / projects / 73189.html

To animirovat' solnyshko

Customer: Kornyshev Pavel (free_.korn) The category: Flash The budget:
40 usd it is necessary to animirovat' solnyshko. To make
animirovannuyu ulybochku, to organize small beams. Glaziki to supply
with emotions. Well and certainly kreativ it is greeted. To vydabyu
picture as appears solnyshko. If we agree on the concept - that I send
predoplatu and fotoshop of solnyshka. Periods - 1 day! Skype:
pavelkornishevhttp: / / / projects / 73179.html

To correct the error in Flash of the menu

Customer: Sorokin Vasiliy (Vass) the category: Flash The budget: 20
usd how do you do, the very strange error: there is site http:
// it is made menu on Flesch. It works noticeably
everywhere besides IE7 (is possible IE6) under Windows xp (under
vistoy it works) under them they are observed artifacts. It is
necessary to correct.http: / / / projects / 73176.html

to fill the forum

Customer: Kaplinskiy Yevgeny (leopoldushka) the category: Kontent-
management, Is other The budget: ? Is necessary man which on site
http: // revive forum, to fill it it is
possible to copy different themes only at the end of them to place
reference to the source! From this you will obtain for the
sebya:khoroshiy experience, positive opinion, and small (money reward)
if result privzaydet our expectations! All details into lichku!http: / / / projects / 73173.html

Work for programista on AS (Flash)

Customer: Kruglov Denis (deni_80) The category: Flash The budget: ? To
the Internet site there exist three Flesch the object: "y..sshf",
"2..sshf", "e..sshf". It is necessary to make the following: The first
object (y..sshf) is reproduced from the beginning to the end and in
the last sequence starts on Play object "2..sshf". This object with
the playback to the end starts "e..sshf". But this last object again
starts the first. Here strictly and everything.http: / / / projects / 73174.html

Site on sale of metal and articles made of the metal

Customer: Belov Aleksandr (mnogodelkin) The category: Creation web-
site turnkey, Internet- stores the budget: ? The creation of site
completely analog is an example; http: //
TZ the information tying of site to the portnerskim sites (GRABILKA:
price, announcements, i. Vol. d.) Creation OF THE STORAGE of totovoy
production, writing off on the on-line claim. Creation OF ON-LINE
claim. Your price is the period of the proposal of *** Belov
Aleksandrhttp: / / / projects / 73167.html

Small modification on flash

Customer: Costa Wolf (wolfus) the category: Flash The budget: ? Page
with Flesch here: http: // add
"flags" for the regions and to decrease the size of field under the
map + to add into it the strip of warming up for the information.
Iskhodniki I can send. Payment wmr for fact. Propose your versions.http: / / / projects / 73165.html

Usual KHTML the imposition

Customer: Sterzhakov Igor valer'evich (sterjakov) the category: HTML-
imposition The budget: ? http:
// from you specific
proposal on the prices and on periods icq of ***http: / / / projects / 73170.html

Is necessary the script of catalog and board of ob'yavleniy

Customer: Rusinov Egor (Xopca) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Is necessary the script of
auto-catolog as With the
possibility of the integration of the board of ob'yavleniy also as
based on example the conclusion of last ob'yavleniy according to the
producer and on marke.(mozhno and without the tying, but with the
possibility of manual drift), for the catalog is also necessary will
be necessary parser. Is also necessary the script of the board of
ob'yavleniy, with the possibility to parsit' ob'yavleniya with, i.e. are necessary practically analog, such boards of
ob'yavleniy. Work must be made qualitatively, and for the reasonable
money, t.k there will then be the possibility of long and mutually
advantageous cooperation. Request to indicate periods and prices,
answers of the type "you stuchite let us discuss" without konkretiki
they are not examined.http: / / / projects / 73172.html

We move medical company in you runete

Customer: Nikolai (dom129) the category: Advance Of site/SEO The
budget: to 1000 usd it is necessary to move and to support at the high
level the site of medical center in you runete. Work must be complex:
the optimization of site, the preparation of banerov, registration on
the portals and the catalogs. Prescribing in the prospectors, banernye
networks and everything which is necessary. Payment for results of two
stages (for the starting and for the first of itogi+ for the
maintenance). Duration of work - approximately one year.http: / / / projects / 73147.html

It is necessary to derive names, inscription to the cap

Customer: Aksakov Yuri (yurec21) the category: Web- programming, Is
other The budget: ? Visit to site http: // the
cap from the right side is an empty place. Here there be required to
derive by the post of name THE BOARD OF DECLARATIONS, THE GUEST BOOK,
PHOTO-GALLERY, on-line GAMES, FORUM. With pressure of which the user
naturally fell on the board of declarations, into the guest book and
so forth write your periods and priceshttp: / / / projects / 73158.html

Grabber and

Customer: Il'in Mikhail (migoweb) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Is necessary grabber, or more
precisely the result of grabbinga and It
is necessary to sgrabbit' all categories, goods, picture, description
and characteristic. As a result, for each site must come out two files
XML and CSV, and so papochka with the pictures of goods. Grabbing can
be produced through our server or through the server of developer (at
will). I think it is necessary to work through proxy for the exception
it is bath. Proposals write only in the project indicating periods and
sum of dollorakh!!! In the investment structure XML and CSV it is
file.http: / / / projects / 73149.html

Site is the morning coat

Customer: Light Nikolaevna (Svetlana_.N) The category: Creation web-
site turnkey, Flash the budget: 500 usd is required site with the use
Flesch, a large quantity of small risovannykh details. Goods of food
industry are produced. All proposals to leave here. To indicate the
periodhttp: / / / projects / 73148.html

Is necessary electron the history of disease on the cursor of the forum

Customer: Nikolai (dom129) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: to 1000 usd it is necessary to
make a system for storing the medical information (according to the
type of the "paper" history of disease"). Access on SSL, generator of
passwords, several levels of access. It seems that are necessary the
muscle and PKHP. As the basis it is possible to take a good forumnyy
cursor.http: / / / projects / 73151.html

To finish the script

Customer: Teplenev Maxim (Teplenew) The category: Web- programming, Is
other The budget: it means to 50 usd, i have the small cursor, written
by competent programmer. Now this programmer forewent further support
to the data CMS. your task - to transfer the existing design, to make
a counter of running off, an affirmative vote song, and the formation
of unique reference. Standardization system is simple to the
impossibility. Predoplata if in you is portfolio and good opinions.
Price fixed.http: / / / projects / 73160.html

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Filling of the data base

Customer: Vebmasterov Vladimir Ivanovich (Moro2) The category:
Kontent- management, Is other The budget: to 50 usd it is necessary to
fill the base of data of site by the data about the public-
entertaining organizations. Stadiums, restaurants, clubs, parks, motor
ships and so forth different cities. Operational procedure: -
registration - the name of area, the country, city, description, main
photo, contact information (bodies, email), a quantity of landing
places. 1 position - 10 rubles. Volume of large. DO NOT WRITE In
LICHKU.http: / / / projects / 72933.html

To write the script

Customer: Batyuchok Yuri (yoora) the category: Web- programming The
budget: ? Necessary to realize rocking it is file on server with the
aid of command wget. It is more detailed: It is necessary to create
the Web page on which I smog to introduce link from where to rock and
directory where to pump into. On the basis of this information the
script udet to create command wget on the server. Access to the page
must be somehow limited or on the password placed. If you please
indicate price and period, or price and period write in PM.http: / / / projects / 72925.html

To create the similar site

Customer: Krebs Daniel (elcp) the category: Creation web- site
turnkey, Flash the budget: ? Good time of day! It is necessary to
create the similar copy of site police. It Thematics is analogous. The
catalog of production is located. The catalog of production will be
supplemented approximately one time in the block, by the colleague of
company. The possibility of the administration of site must be
provided. We await your proposals. P.s. The reference:
Everything works....http: / / / projects / 72926.html

Simple imposition (rapidly)

Customer: Time Aleksandr (mildsoft) the category: HTML- imposition The
budget: 25 usd is necessary the imposition (rapidly)http: / / / projects / 72930.html

The site is necessary

Customer: Perevoshchikov Andrey (Trouvor) the category: Creation web-
site turnkey the budget: ? Site is necessary, desirably on CMS Joomla
go yS Bitrix (I will examine samopisnye, but with the convenient
interface). TZ in the application. From you price and periods.http: / / / projects / 72932.html

Parser/of graber - module DLE or separate script (2)

Customer: Rudenko Novel (ForceR) The category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? To write script or module DLE,
for parsinga of soft of catalog. - to otparsit' entire catalog - to
make conversion of data into size DLE - to provide the possibility of
the renovation of new kontenta, without the running off in all
sayta(och. is desirable). Indicate cost, periods. Payment through SBS
or for the fact of delivery.http: / / / projects / 71829.html

Script of the Internet- store

Customer: Kolodyazhnyy Pavel Sergeyevich (UZ101) The category:
Scripts/Web- application, Internet- stores The budget: ? Designation:
Selection and sale of training materials (in the electronic form) for
the students and the schoolboys.http: / / / projects / 72917.html

To complete adminku for the assertion it is file

Customer: Kremeshnyy Vyacheslav (msdn11) the category: Web-
programming, administration systems kontentom the budget: to 50 USD
tasks it consists in the record of information about the files of
those being containing in the folder into the base of gallery, and
writing script for the conversion of video it is file. On the server
is established everything that necessarily for the conversion,
complete explanations will be given apropos of conversion, it is
necessary to only write pkhp the code desirably executor from Kiev,
which can approach today, and it does not have other orders.http: / / / projects / 72915.html

To stretch to Bitriks

Customer: Worthy Artem (seoups) the category: HTML- imposition The
budget: ? How do you do. Is html + css finished template, it is
necessary to stretch to bitriks. Write price and periods.http: / / / projects / 72906.html

Introduction of changes to the site (Joomla Lavra) (3)

Customer: Klimashevskiy Aleksandr (aleksua) the category: Kontent-
management, Web- programming The budget: ? Good day! Is required
kontent-menedzher(programist) for THE URGENT introduction of changes,
renovation of kontenta on the site to Joomla. (because of not the
qualitative work of one frilansera necessary literally after several
days everything to solve) the budget large. With the qualitative
fulfillment - to rasmatrivayu the version of a constant collaboration.
Studios and office request not to disturb. Frilanserov with the very
zavyshenoy self-appraisal request not to disturb. Contact - Only as'ka
of ***. Of thanks.http: / / / projects / 67374.html

To tighten imposition to the system, to finish the component

Customer: Skits Sergey (spirit_.q2) the category: Web- programming,
administration systems kontentom the budget: ? There is its own system
php+.mysql+.smarty, it is necessary to tighten to it imposition, to
correct component, to drive on conclusion under the design.
Programmers interest only from Kiev. To be investigated with the
system independently not priydetsya, everything in detail will be
described. Main requirement - accuracy in the code. With the
successful result there will be the continuation of collaboration.http: / / / projects / 72900.html

Is necessary template under Joomla 1,0

Customer: Khomenko Irina (himrina) The category: HTML- imposition The
budget: to 50 usd is necessary the template under Joomla 1,0. Mock-up
in the fastened file.http: / / / projects / 72905.html

Site on bitrikse

Customer: Rohatova Nika (nikalleta) the category: Creation web- site
turnkey the budget: ? To be turned on as'ke of ***http: / / / projects / 72896.html

Creation of flesh of site from zero.

Customer: Fedorov Aleksandr (Fernando_2) The category: Flash The
budget: ? It is necessary to create stylish flesh site. In the site
the following pages must be present: - intro- - dynamic gallery -
feedback - guest - 3 information pages proposal without is timetable
and costs be examined not will be.http: / / / projects / 72902.html

Functional for the site

Customer: Zavol'skiy Valerie (soft35) the category: Web- programming,
HTML- imposition the budget: 300 USD tasks: 1. imposition of mock-ups
(by wonders); 2. development of functional part; 3. filling of
catalog. Mock-ups here: http: // catalog and
TZ here: http: // http:
// / / / projects / 72891.html

Imposition of template for Joomla 1.0

Customer: Storchak Nataliya (bagira74) the category: HTML- imposition,
administration systems kontentom the budget: to 50 usd it is necessary
to make up into pages template for CMS Joomla from finished design
(PSD). Imposition is any. Main requirement - krossbrauzernost', site
it must equally be mapped into all browsers. To make up into pages
necessary in 1 day. Indicate periods and cost, preference will return
to proposals with the best combination price/the quality (desirably
the presence portfolio).http: / / / projects / 72893.html

Soak with modification Shop Script

Customer: Petrenko Oleg (ewf) The category: Web- programming The
budget: ? It is necessary to make modification for Shop Script Premium
1.24 making it possible to add not only goods, but also it is simple
article - text + of picture. To write from zero not necessarily.
Project for those, who can it encountered a similar task and it was
finished to share with developments for several wmz, well or who was
ready to poguglit' and to find the solution, since in the network
references are encountered, for example, here here: http:
// I understand, that the
project not usual, could make itself, but simply entirely I do not
manage with the periods.http: / / / projects / 72894.html

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It is necessary to alter search from Yandeks.KhML to GUGL Of api

Customer: Titov Aleksey (234sha) the category: Web- programming The
budget: ? Good. It is necessary to alter search from Yandeks.KhML to
GUGL Of api in the nashchem design on the specific list of sites (list
it will be in any size which it will be required)http: / / / projects / 72867.html

Search for the finished solution

Customer: Savchenko Aleksandr (alex_.krm) The category: Flash, Is
other The budget: ? Is necessary also the very as here here: http:
// only in Flesch and on
AS3http: / / / projects / 72865.html

Advance into THOR 10 (yandex)

Customer: Hoarse Vasiliy (Vasilisk333) the category: Advance Of
site/SEO The budget: ? I need advance on three key demands: y)Zhalyuzi
of 2)zhalyuzi vertical e)zhalyuzi horizontal me interest periods and
final sum for your transactions! Payment after reaching of results!!!http: / / / projects / 72859.html

Creation of the branch site

Customer: Alekseyev Aleksandr (sasha9900) The category: Creation web-
site turnkey the budget: ? It is necessary to create branch site. The
functional of site will be approximately this is how here: m e t a l d
o s k a. Ru the thematics of site will be analogous. Necessary
divisions: 1. news. 2. Articles 3. Board of declarations 4. The
catalog of companies Adminka of site must be simple in control. +
control banners also must be from adminki. Design will be given by me.
Will have to make up into pages it. Detailed TZ is prepared. It would
be desirable to hear your proposals on the exemplary prices and the
periods of the production (imposition + of programming) of this type
of site.http: / / / projects / 72863.html

Monday, September 22, 2008

Cost of the site

Customer: Alekseyev Constantine (Anchar13) The category: Creation web-
site turnkey the budget: ? I need aid regarding the cost of site. Is
necessary approximately such http: // Will cost
this pleasure?http: / / / projects / 72639.html

Satellites for

Customer: Parkhomenko Aleksandr (provad) The category: Technical
Articles, The advance Of site/SEO The budget: ? It is necessary to
create satellites on models Kia and Hyundai. Kopirayting: Description
of the model of 2000 signs. It is necessary to comprise and to
consider in the description the nucleus of klyuchevikov. Technical
characteristics. Komprektatsiya. SEO Automatic sambit on the catalogs,
the boards and the services of zmkladok. Design and imposition we
make.http: / / / projects / 72640.html

Design and to yuzabiliti the site

Customer: Aleksandr (korabel1) the category: Design of sites, Web-
programming the budget: ? Is required the regular work on different
pages of large site tyuey poyavlyutsya new divisions with the
different logic in which necessary to have a decent exterior view and
a convenience in the use. Work cannot be described by what -nibut6
budget, since different pages and divisions mnozhetsvo, work step by
step... discuss we will be on the sums of contact. I.e. until today
there is a task, and here following can be in the week.http: / / / projects / 72641.html

To bring to the mind site on dzhumle.

Customer: Svyatko (svyatko) the category: Web- programming,
administration systems kontentom the budget: to 50 usd there is a site
on dzhumle. It is necessary to fill it + to donastroit' modules. Very
everything is simple:) Budget - 50 to u.e. I await proposals. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 72648.html


Customer: George Grie (artsgrie) the category: Creation web- site
turnkey, systems of administration kontentom the budget: to 5000 USD
Creating a website based on original CMS user/admin, PHP, MySQL
Database. Javascript, AJAX, htaccess, etc. are an asset. I'.m looking
for a strong, no- nonsense, creative web-developer (not a company). It
is a web- sieve project with a possible long- therm cooperation
opportunity. Please see the future site draft at http:
// let Me know if you
are up to the task. Thank you. GG The creation of Web site is based on
original CMS user- administrator, PHP, MySQL with the data base.
JavaScript, AJAX, htaccess and so forth, are active membership. I
search for strong, especially business, creative of Web- developer
(not a company). These are the Web site of project long-term
cooperation possibility. If you please, see the site of future project
on http: // Make it
possible to me to know, if you can to task. Thanks. GGhttp: / / / projects / 72634.html

To make up into pages under Umi-cms

Customer: Nedbaylo Yegor (Negoro) the category: HTML- imposition The
budget: to 50 usd is required HTML- imposition under Umi-cms: 1.
Doktayp HTML Strict 4.01 2.Semantika e.Optimizatsiya of drawing.
ya.Validnost'. to shch.Vse styles in CSS without the exception.
'.Krossbrauzernost' IE6+, FF2.0+, Opera 9.1+, Safari 3http: / / / projects / 72633.html

Creation of the partner program

Customer: Suzdal'tsev Aleksey (AlexJC) the category: Web- programming
The budget: ? It is necessary to make a site-store- catalog with the
partner program (not only with links and banerami of referalov, but
also with the agenskimi stores). An ideal example of the fact that
would be desirable to see on the functional this http: //
just as there everything must be mul'tiyazychno (rus\eng). Periods and
prices interest. My e-mail: ***http: / / / projects / 72621.html

To create web 2.0 project on Drupal

Customer: Satori (Sattt) the category: Creation web- site turnkey,
Web- programming the budget: to 1000 usd it is necessary from zero to
create site web 2.0 on basis of Drupal. Budget is limited by several
hundred i, on this the preference is given to the finished solutions
with further modification. What I will specifically necessarily
describe on icq, complete TZ is not thus far comprised. Tentative
prices interest. For example, I will give several similar sites on
Drupal, you to estimate their cost. From the executor is compulsory
the presence portfolio also of knowledge ajax.http: / / / projects / 72624.html

Creation by video of the chat room

Customer: Solovyev is novel (dr56) the category: Scripts/Web-
application, Web- programming The budget: ? It is necessary to video
chat room, all details further.http: / / / projects / 72617.html

The attraction of purposeful audience is required.

Customer: Petrichenko are the edward Of gennad'evich (addi) the
category: Advance Of site/SEO The budget: ? Necessary to raise visit
you sayta.Pishite condition and cost.http: / / / projects / 72615.html

To establish code SAPE to dzhumlu 1,5 with the laying out

Customer: Artyukov Yevgeny (Jekos) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? To establish code SAPE to
dzhumlu 1,5 with the laying out into several modules.http: / / / projects / 72613.html

To repair krivost' of the strange imposition

Customer: Vocz Denis (VoCz) the category: HTML- imposition The budget:
10 usd are mock-up source materials on the existing imposition.
Payment - depends on time and quality. y0$ I guarantee. In as'ku
request not to write.http: / / / projects / 72612.html

The compiler of ankorov/is text for the sap

Customer: Satori (Sattt) the category: Other, Kontent- management The
budget: to 1000 usd it is necessary to compose ankorov and surrounding
text for the sap. On industrial scales. In essence generation, but
sometimes will have to dilute a little by hand. Only and main
condition - quality. The separately undertaken texts must be normal,
read so that it was not possible to understand that this generation.
This so is not complicated in reality, but work sufficiently
monotonous and it is necessary much to think (!) so that it would be
obtained qualitatively. Valuations of approximately 2/100. "near",
since for each project complexity differs, on this and price
individual. All proposals in icq, ***http: / / / projects / 72608.html

For the tourist site to make the division

Customer: Dmiriy Dmiriy (alexalexalex) the category: Web- programming
The budget: 600 USD tourists can place different markers on the map
(map google). Interface on Ajax. Desirably that you have experience
with google api; also it is necessary to make a fairly complicated
interface on Ajax. Complete TZ on the demand. If you from Moscow the
eto+.http: / / / projects / 72607.html

Parsing of the data google and yahooo

Customer: Yulich Aleksey viktorovich (seoplace) The category: Web-
programming The budget: ? The essence of task, is 2000 demands for
example speedo and more one piece swimsuit sarong string bikini two
piece swimsuit one-piece suit only of 2017 pieces to me on these
demands (2017 pieces) they are necessary all urly from yakhi and gugla
preference it returns to the owners of the excavatorhttp: / / / projects / 72605.html

Beautiful, stylish banner

Customer: Goats YE.V. (Invest777) The category: Banners, Flash The
budget: ? Size of "shch0kh200, the limit of 50 KB the budget of 300
rubles TZ: "cap" - all personnel - logotype and the name of company
OOO "capital Invest" bodies. *** - 1 sequence ZHK "bugrinskaya grove"
- 3 turn of building - two 17- storeyed apartment houses - apartment
and offices change by the photo of the constructed houses and internal
improvement (photo 1 and 2) - 2 sequence ZHK "bugrinskaya grove" - "-
1000 rub/square meter", "- 2000 rub/square meter", "- 3000 rub/square
meter." - 3 sequence ZHK "six stars" - new habitable complex in the
Kirov region the image of complex (photo 3) - 4 sequence ZHK "six
stars" - from 33 thous. rub./square meter, prizes and gifts to all
buyers the change of pictures about the new complex (photo 4 and 5)http: / / / projects / 72594.html

To estimate the project

Customer: Isupov Aleksandr (Sh1ning) The category: Creation web- site
turnkey the budget: ? I greet all frilanserov, request to name price
for the project of level i.e., the development of site
with the same functions and convenient base of films. Request to
become acquainted with the data by site and to name price and periods.
Design is set in operation also. After the survey of valuations will
be opened 21 tenders with TZ for refining the cost and then will be
carry ouied work with frilanserom. Thanks for the attention. P.S.
Different of torrent sites not to propose. We do not intend to place
pirate video on the site. It will be only information, review,
opinions. I.e., the site, very similar to kinomaniyu.http: / / / projects / 72589.html

To make an inet- store on bitrikse

Customer: Dem'yanin Cyril (keriy) the category: Internet- stores,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Is purchased bitriks "small
business" and there is a mock-up. There is a concept on the
functional. It is necessary to make.http: / / / projects / 72596.html

Top for to dle

Customer: Mirashev Of misha (murahew) The category: Web- programming
The budget: ? Is necessary the module of the top for the cursor to
dle. This plan: http: // - only, it is necessary
to keep account of obtained khostov and returned + to have the
capability very to regulate sites (to place above, below). Work is not
complex, but is urgent. Dvizhek to dle of 6.0 As'ka: ***http: / / / projects / 72587.html

Advance of the site

Customer: Pavlov Sergey (SergioPavlo) the category: Advance Of
site/SEO The budget: ? It is necessary to move site http:
// on the demands: Spring; Blocks are spring; Supports;
the spring Of khanina; plate OST 34; EAST 26; EAST 24 into the top of
10 Yandeksa +pod'em TITS to ***http: / / / projects / 72590.html

System of authorization and exchange of the communications

Customer: Krylov Victor (allod21) The category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? It is necessary to make a
"personal office" (closed zone) for the users with the possibility of
the sending of soobshcheniy(vnutrennikh). To provide several groups of
users (for example: administrator, editor, user) the principal
criteria: - safety - MySQL - PHP5 (OOP) - the expansibilityhttp: / / / projects / 72576.html

Sunday, September 21, 2008

To create Foto-plagin for wordpress

Customer: Amandar (Amandar) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: 200 USD description in http:
// the budget: 200 USD (vebmani)
the period: 1 weekhttp: / / / projects / 72414.html

Search spinup of the finished project

Customer: Ilya (titan122) the category: Advance Of site/SEO The
budget: 300 usd is required search spinup and support of the finished
project on the thematics auto-vinyl. Budget to 7000
rub per month. All details in icq: ***http: / / / projects / 72423.html

Simple html site

Customer: Time Aleksandr (mildsoft) the category: Web- programming The
budget: ? To make a simple site on html of detail on ICQ ***http: / / / projects / 72422.html

Modification of the existing program code

Customer: Ludikov (cetegus) the category: Web- programming, the
development of games the budget: to 1000 usd for project the way of
wanderers it is necessary the already existing program
code to finish dokontsa. The discussion deals with the graphic
formulation of game. In the game is many imperfections through the
tables, the pictures, the buttons, the falling out lists, the sizes,
etc. entire drawing to be located in cdr files. The code is written on
php, is less than java, interface Ajax. Below example of drawing. ICQ
***http: / / / projects / 72420.html

To create Foto-plagin for wordpress

Customer: Amandar (Amandar) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: 200 USD description in http:
// the budget: 200 USD (vebmani)
the period: 1 weekhttp: / / / projects / 72414.html

Modification of the site

Customer: Molchanov Vladimir Mikhaylovich (internetlux) The category:
Web- programming The budget: to 100 usd it is necessary to introduce
changes in control system into the existing site. Project is urgent.http: / / / projects / 72419.html

Store of the gifts

Customer: Andrey semenovich (Andrew_.Semchik) the category: Web-
programming, the design of sites the budget: 800 usd is required
beautifully fulfillments, with the original design the Internet store.
Basic aspects to be discussed with the beginning the robotshttp: / / / projects / 72409.html

To write partnerku

Customer: Silichenko Anton (Able2Know) The category: Web- programming
The budget: ? To write Partnerku te into appendix
strong:ab123123 here such approximately... structure BD is a little
anotherhttp: / / / projects / 72411.html

Khak for DLE/the second tag HIDE for the group

Customer: Kirov Sergey (Schiller22) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: 5 usd should be thought and made
the second tag Hide for the specific group, thus, that it had no
conflicts with the standard tag hide. Sense its is the same as
standard tag - to hide from the survey the part of the text or text of
all except the specific group, but to consider that the standard tag
is occupied by the same... Vaguely but I hope understandably. Payment
for means WEB-money on R-kowelek after the completion of work and its
checking. Description of installation - in nalii to present. All
proposals are examined, start and are evaluated, according to ICQ ***
and on this site.http: / / / projects / 72412.html

Upload fotok

Customer: Barykin Aleksandr Alekseyevich (abby) The category: Web-
programming The budget: ? Is required small boat for automatic aploada
of fotok from under different akov. under win xp\2003 of Gouy, it is
desirable to Delphi. not pkhp. desirably more rapid if write pm
indicate pliz the theme of project.http: / / / projects / 72403.html

News of graber

Customer: Vavik Vavo (ApeApe) the category: Scripts/Web- application,
Web- programming The budget: ? 1. it is necessary to podredaktirovat'
finished system. 2. To change design for the already existing design.
Is necessary programmer which it already had a work experience in the
creation of graberov, and it knew how to read system that written by
another programmer. Request not to write these communications: Is
ready to place for 300 i! license! Not from Mars)http: / / / projects / 72404.html

Creation of template for Joomla 1.5

Customer: Alpatov Maxim Andreevich (Fastic) The category: Design of
sites, HTML- imposition the budget: ? Task of two parts: 1. is
necessary template, as on http:
// cost in the proposal or
the communication!!! 2. after the creation of template is necessary
its filling (materials everything is) and some small modifications of
modules. Time is critical.http: / / / projects / 72401.html

To touch up the parser

Customer: Artem Egorov (armagedon_.xk) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Is a parser that created by one
not very bad person about anyone 4 it already wrote opinion!! http:
// ''ya"ya..yutml?.sechti... it is
necessary a little to complete and to understand errors!http: / / / projects / 72400.html

Design for the site

Customer: Perfil'ev Sergey (Terd) the category: Design of sites, HTML-
imposition the budget: ? Design for the musical site! it is modest but
with the taste!http: / / / projects / 72402.html

Placing references into the forums/of blogi

Customer: Cyril (keria) the category: Advance Of site/SEO The budget:
to 1000 USD good times of day. Is required linkmenedzher to the remote
piecework. From you experience and knowledge as where it is possible
to write references to the sites. From me i for each written
reference. I await your proposals with the price for 1 reference and
the exemplary plans on the quantity. Attention: entering references by
programami does not interest, only manual work.http: / / / projects / 72393.html

Modification PHP- parser and form of search (urgently!)

Customer: Vodnyakov Pavel (rEkViZiT) the category: Web- programming,
administration systems kontentom the budget: 100 usd there is a
project, it works well, but crawl out door posts. After the details
into as'ku. ICQ: ***http: / / / projects / 72394.html

Clan site for the on-line game is necessary.

Customer: Vafayev Of sherzod (jeeep) The category: Creation web- site
turnkey the budget: ? Is necessary beautiful site under our name for
our clan in the on-line game "arena"http: / / / projects / 72391.html

The telephone directory

Customer: Paranichev Dmitriy (nobap) the category: Scripts/Web-
application, Web- programming The budget: ? It is necessary to pull
out all data of enterprises with 2gis around one city, now I think
this possible to make, see (usli it is possible, then
with further renovation, i.e., neglected script data they renewed in
the catalog), to preserve them in bd and to create iblok, simply
stated to make a module telephone directory under Bitriks. Indicate
exemplary cost and life.http: / / / projects / 72388.html

Creation the Web application for 1s 8.1 UT

Customer: Aleksandr eduardovich (screamhome) the category: Web-
programming, the development of applied ON the budget: 300 usd there
is izmenenaya konfa necessary to ensure access from the Web
for the users.http: / / / projects / 72390.html

Design and the imposition of the site

Customer: Babuyev Of zhargal (Jargal) The category: Design of sites,
HTML- imposition the budget: 100 usd it is necessary to develop and to
make up into pages design for site The use of green
it is color it is greeted. In the menu to add, point "to order" and to
"wholesalers".http: / / / projects / 72386.html

Are necessary news portals (varezniki)

Customer: Petrov Mikhail (micha2009) The category: Creation web- site
turnkey the budget: ? Are necessary news of portaly(varezniki). From
you quantity and price. Are below 10 tits to nepredlagat' the siteshttp: / / / projects / 72389.html